Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last Hitting in DotA Allstar

The videos are very self-explainetary.

I just want to give some personal experience to explain something not shown in the video.
  1. When you last hit,try to stand on high ground instead of low grounds. Standing on the low ground gives you 25% miss which is very horrible. It is especially important for solo mid heroes.
  2. Knowing the projectile speed of the hero is very important. Different heroes have different projectile speed (Range Heroes). Estimate the time taken for the projectile to reach the creep.
  3. Training last hit without enemy hero is pretty useless, there is always one or more than one heroes on your lane during your match. Your enemies aren't going to let your free farm unless they are dumb. 
  4. After early and mid game, getting last hit becomes less significant because your damage is so high that you do not need to purposely attack certain creep. This means that training last hit only applies to the beginning 20min or 30mins of the game.
I will suggest that you train with an insane AI. Since AIs are programmed to last hit and deny using computer logarithm, they are better than human in terms of estimating last hits. If you can beat them in terms of last hitting, you can say that you are pretty good in last hitting =)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Different Roles in DotA Allstar

1.       Always ensure that your heal and buff are given to later game carry so that your carry can do much more damage.
2.       The life of carry worth more than yourself. If both of you left a bit hit point, you have to try to block enemy so that carry has a higher chance of escape.
3.       Actively buy ward and deward so that it makes anti-gank and ganking easier.
4.       You do not need too many good items, your skills are more important. It is always good habit to let the carry get the kill of enemy heroes.
5.       Remember to not to save your damaging skills for the last hit, the less hit point the enemy has you stand a better chance wining the team fight.
6.       Try to get another hero to accompany you when you want to put ward at enemy’s neutral creep area.
7.       Do not stand in front of the team battle, hide behind unless your carry is at low health

1.       Your main job is to farm, get last hit and farm again.
2.       When your teammates have casted disable ability, do not afraid to go up and do some physics damage.
3.       When your teammates put ward, always look at mini-map so that you know when to retreat
4.       Do not auto-hit, ensure at least 90% creep kill when there is no enemy hero at your lane.
5.       Every carry needs something to ensure that he do not get disabled, a black king bar is a good item. Dead/disabled carry cannot do damage.
6.       Do not give the excuse of farming when there is a team fight very soon
7.       Bring a TP whenever you go out of base.

1.       Your main job is to gank, gank and more gank.
2.       Your gank may fail to kill their hero but at least you put pressure on their carry
3.       Vision is your best ally, some juking is good.
4.       Do not steal creep kills from your carry.
5.       Do not throw AOE skills unnecessarily to avoid creep kill steal.
6.       When your support are having hard time putting/buying the wards, help them

1.       Your main job is to tank all the damages and nukes from opponent team.
2.       You are the first one to go in a team fight and last one to retreat.
3.       You fails when you have full hit point after a team battle.
4.       Vanguard is a good item for melee tankers
5.       Do not afraid to die, you die for your victory later on.

If you find this blog useful and informative, bookmark it or just subscribe Play DotA.
Stay tuned for my next posts

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DotA Tips on Trilane

A few tips on how to trilane in DotA game
1. Always stick together (Not too close to take AOE stuns)
2. Predict and make good use of the stun duration
3. Know the cooldown of the skills (Both self and enemy)
4. Target the weakest hero (Lowest HP/Armor)
5. Make use of Fog
6. React fast

Thank Luminous for his great video

Sunday, August 29, 2010

DotA 6.68c 6v6 Ver.2

It has been awhile after 6.68c released. 6v6 version is finally here.

Although personally i have not tested this map but i believe it is stable and enjoyable.

A big thanks for FuBaSh's work on 6v6 DotA.

Friday, August 27, 2010

DotA Clan Leader Handbook Part 2

1 week back, i wrote something about the DotA clan leader handbook. It is part of personal insights and also what i learnt from other teams or clans. I think this sharing is useful especially for unprofessional DotA teams. Without further ado, i shall start.

Do not play pub game too much. As we know what the standard of pubs are relatively much lower than clan wars. When you get used to the style of playing in pub games, it may take some times to change back to the clan war style. This short period of time may make a big difference in a clan match game. I am saying that we should not play with pubs at all. If it is just for relaxing purpose, one or two match is more than enough I believe.
When the spirit of the team is low, I suggest the leader to get a relatively weaker team to play with. Make sure that you win the game and help your teammate to boost their morale.

Before any proper competitive match, try to understand what is their strength and which heroes are they particularly good at. One thing to take note is the position of wards, unprofessional teams usually stick to those few spots for warding. If you can deward them at the start of the match, you put a lot of pressure to the opponent team.

During the gameplay, do not focus on laning too much, the leader supposed to have a clear mind of what should be done at what time. E.g., remind the support heroes to ward at the 6 mins mark. Ask your carry for his cs at 10 mins mark. These small things do make a difference when you make your decision whether to attack or continue farming.

Understand which period is at your advantage. Depend on your hero picks, your team may be more specialized in big 5v5 team fights, then you should be avoiding small gank fights and try to do some anti-gank instead of forcing your teammate to gank at high risk of failing.

Stay tuned on Play DotA - How to play DotA Allstar for the next part of DotA Clan Leader Handbook (Part 3)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guide to Aggro

Play DotA today will give a basic guide about Creep and Tower Aggro

Stay Tuned for the next post on Play DotA

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

DotA Clan Leader Handbook Part 1

No brotherhood, no dota
There are only a few teams of professional teams who dedicated their team to DotA completely. Most of the unprofessional dota players are real life friends or friends that met online while playing dota. Before setting up a clan, you should get all your friends that play dota together and play as a team regardless how noob are them. Even if you lose, the experience are more important.The friendship and evetually the brotherhood are the chain that bonds all the team member together.

Do not let dota occupy your heart solely
Most of the dota players are youths that usually studies in school.DotA brings us the desire to win, the satisfaction after killing and all the happiness together. However, we should put study, work and life into our top priority. Reality is still reality. DotA is not. Tell your team mates as well.

Being a leader, you must recognize the effort that your teammates put in. 
give the credit to your teammate after a victory. take the responsibility after a defeat.

Celebrate your victory but it is necessary to watch the replay after a defeat as well. 
It is to check whether you have made the right decision at the right time. It is good to discuss with your member how you can improve your teamwork under certain situation. It is better than playing another game. Although watching replay is very boring, but is very important for the team to grow and improve teamwork. As a leader, do not scold your teammate for wrong doing, but suggest a better way to handle the situation if it happens again.

Improve your laning skills. In unprofessional teams, the team leader is usually the best player and do the solo job. If you are able to control and suppress the opponent in mid lane. Try to tell your teammates that you are doing a good job so that they will not nervous and worry too much if they are not laning very well. 

Improve your teammates laning skills. It is important to improve your teammates laning skills as well. You can choose to ask them to play a 2v2 15-mins game and observe the gameflows. Give suggestions and try to encourge your teammate to do well. In this way, they can train their teamwork and co-operation. Skills are important but teamwork and co-operation are equally important.

Stay tuned on Play DotA for the next part of DotA Clan Leader Handbook (Part 2)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Release of DotA Allstar v6.68c

DotA Allstar v6.68c has been released

  • fix a few important bugs

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Basic Tutorial to play DotA (Part 2 - Choose Hero)

Thank you for visiting Play DotA - A site dedicated to help DotA Allstar beginners.
Today, I will teach you guys how to pick a Hero in DotA Allstar game.

  1. You can see a few taverns within a enclosed area after the DotA Allstar map finishes loading. The current version is DotA Allstar v6.68b.Each tavern, total of 9, contains 12 unique heroes.
  2. Wait for host to enter the game mode. Some common modes are as follows -AP(Allpick) -AR(Allrandom)
  3. Each heroes has its own abilities and stats (strength/agility/intelligence)
  4. I would like to encourge new players to use Intelligence Hero first as they are easier to use and has more targeted spells.
  5. You can now click on one of the Hero icon to choose that Hero(use AP as example). I will cover other game mode in the future tutorial.
  6. After that you will probably see your chosen hero near your fountain.You have successfully chose your Hero. Congrats

    Release of DotA Allstar 6.68b

    DotA Allstar 6.68b has been released.

    Please check it out
    The changelogs are as follows:
    * Fixed a major bug with Techies Remote Mines
    * Fixed Geomancer clones restoring mana with Arcane Boots
    * Wisp can no longer teleport to the enemy fountain
    * Fixed a small bug with Flak Cannon against buildings when gyro has very low damage
    * Fixed a bug when casting tether from outside of range limit while being moved with Relocate
    * Fixed an issue with illusions and flak cannon
    * Fixed a few other minor things
    Download DotA Allstar 6.68b

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    Release of DotA Allstar 6.68

    DotA Allstar 6.68 has been released this afternoon around 1pm (GMT +8:00)

    There are 4 new heroes, 2 new items and many balances/fixes.
    You can download DotA Allstar 6.68 and views its DotA Allstar 6.68 changelog.

    You may also want to share your views on the new map using the comment function in this blog.

    There maybe a bugfix version very soon, come back to Play DotA to check it out.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    Basic Tutorial to play DotA(Part 1b)

    This is a basic guide to teach you how to get dota working and play dota on Garena
    1. Install Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne on your computer.
    2. Download the DotA map at or you can download the map from Play DotA as well
    3. Download Garena and Register
    4. Put the map into X:\Warcraft III\Maps\Download (if download folder does not exist, simply create one)
    5. Launch Garena by double clicking the shortcut on desktop
    6. Click Game/War3 RPG (top left hand corner)
    7. Search for your country and double click your country's room
    8. Go to Setting  and set the correct path for War3 RPG. (eg. X:\Warcraft III\war3.exe)
    9. Click Start Game
    10. Click Local Area Network
    11. Join a game. The title should be the name of the host + his latency in bars
    12. The host will start the game when all the players are ready
    Tune in again for next lesson of Basic Tutorial to play DotA

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    Basic Tutorial to play DotA(Part 1a)

    This is a basic guide to teach you how to get dota working and play dota on
    1. Install Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne on your computer.
    2. Download the DotA map at or you can download the map from Play DotA as well
    3. Put the map into X:\Warcraft III\Maps\Download (if download folder does not exist, simply create one)
    4. Launch Warcraft III by double clicking the shortcut on desktop
    5. Click (It will download latest patch automatically from
    6. Login (create an account if you does not have one)
    7. Click Custom Game
    8. Join a game. The title should say DotA, then the version, and the various game modes/country of the host. (eg. DotA ap Sghost)
    9. The host will start the game when all the players are ready
    Tune in again for next lesson of Basic Tutorial to play DotA on Garena

    Friday, July 16, 2010

    Welcome to Play DotA

    Welcome to Play DotA. This site provides tips and techniques for beginning DotA players in order to improve their DotA skills. If you have questions not covered in Play DotA please feel free to email your question to